Tuesday, July 10, 2012

SemWeb Blogs

This is a test to see if microdata vs. rdfa has an appreciable effect on rankings by the various search engines.
Check out some cool new blogs from my semantic web friends:
Jay Wiley
Duc Tran
Sherwin Abraham
No Markup - http://lyle.smu.edu/~sherwina/cse8320/semweb/project8320a.html
Schema.org Microdata markup - http://lyle.smu.edu/~sherwina/cse8320/semweb/project8320b.html
RDFa Markup - http://lyle.smu.edu/~sherwina/cse8320/semweb/project8320c.html
Tyronda Hollins
Daniel Martin
No Markup - http://lyle.smu.edu/~daniel/semweb/project8320a.html
Microdata Markup - http://lyle.smu.edu/~daniel/semweb/project8320b.html
RDFa Markup - http://lyle.smu.edu/~daniel/semweb/project8320c.html

Pavani Akundi

Jim Harbor

  Ray Sison

John Widhalm

Friday, July 6, 2012

The role of Linux in the Higgs Boson discovery

Big finding - the Higgs boson discovery, by scientists at CERN in Geneva. The Higgs Boson is considered one of the most important scientific feats in making sense of that place we all inhabit - the Universe. It's a subatomic particle that empowers particles in atoms to acquire mass. It's called the 'God particle' because its existence is fundamental to the creation of the universe, although I read recently that the fellow who coined the term "God particle' said he wished he had called it the 'goddamn particle'.

The name 'Higgs boson' comes from a British scientist Peter Higgs and Indian scientist Satyendra Nath Bose.
Turns out that that Ubuntu Linux had a role in the discovery. For more info on the role of Linux check out the story.